Heidi Hutner | Fulcrum Publishing | June 2020 | 16 minutes (4,305 words) We’re delighted to bring you an excerpt by Heidi Hutner from the anthology Doom With A View: Historical and Cultural Contexts of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant . Edited by Kristen Iverson, with E. Warren Perry and Shannon Perry, the anthology arrives from Fulcrum Publishing in August, 2020. * * * At thirty-five, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma . One year before my diagnosis, my mother died from complications after heart surgery. At the time of her death, my mother had cancer — lymphoma . Five years prior to Mom’s death, my father passed away from a brain tumor, a metastasis from the cancer melanoma . Two years after I had completed my chemotherapy treatment for cancer, I gave birth to Olivia. My miracle baby. At first, I was ecstatic about the pregnancy. I had always wanted children, and with my cancer, I feared this would never happen. My doctors said I was lucky to give birth to a biologica...