
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Lebanon I love Is dying

A century ago, Gibran Khalil Gibran wrote a love poem to Lebanon, “You have your Lebanon, I have my Lebanon. from The Nation - Columns

The US value system

The United States has always emphasised on, and taken pride in its core values of freedom, equality, and justice. from The Nation - Columns

Inflation: An additional view

I have of late been writing on how successive and rapid currency devaluations in Pakistan have not only been a catalyst, but rather the main drivers in fuelling the current wave of inflation in the country. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Murderers are not monsters, they’re men. from The Nation - Columns

Successful initiatives for public-private partnerships

The country’s policymakers and economic managers have introduced various schemes and programmes for the economic development and public welfare in Pakistan, aimed at benefiting the public at large with such initiatives continuing to run successfully in the long run. from The Nation - Columns

Sports infrastructure

Pakistan needs a viable strategy to promote its athletes. from The Nation - Columns

Taken hostage

The decade of the seventies was tumultuous for the republic. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

The life of Nikola Tesla is considered to be one of the most tragic in scientific history. from The Nation - Columns

The eternal quagmire

One of the youngest Nobel Laureates, Albert Camus, made a name for himself as a novelist, political theorist, playwright and moralist. from The Nation - Columns

American miscalculations

On February 29, 2020 the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the landmark Doha Accord according to which the US was to pull out its troops by May 1, 2021. from The Nation - Columns

The Afghanistan conundrum

The victory of the Afghan Taliban through the non-violent takeover of Kabul, contrary to the US President’s claims, is indicative of many flaws and failures. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“The dead cannot cry out for justice. from The Nation - Columns

A legal framework for refugees

Maroof Sani Pakistan is facing the possible challenge and impending humanitarian crisis of a new influx of Afghan refugees pouring into the country again, with the sudden withdrawal of the United States and allied troops from Afghanistan. from The Nation - Columns

A new Afghan regime  

The world was stunned when the Taliban took over Afghanistan within such a short span of time after the US withdrawal. from The Nation - Columns

Nation building in Afghanistan

It is now history that on August 15, the Taliban entered Kabul without any resistance by the forces of Afghan President, Ashraf Ghani. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective  

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. from The Nation - Columns

US policy and war in Afghanistan

The US Afghan campaign is ending in a panicky, ill-organised mass exodus from Afghanistan. from The Nation - Columns

TV anchors’ academy

Pakistan is faced with a ceaseless round-the-clock blitz of about eighty TV channels, and has become one of the most TV trumpeting nations on Earth. from The Nation - Columns

Covid-19 origin-tracing: Science or politics

A gruesome question always pops up in the mind as to why science is taking a backseat in coronavirus’ origin-tracing efforts. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. from The Nation - Columns

Opposition to the SNC

The launch of the Single National Curriculum by the PTI government is being opposed by the Sindh government and certain circles who have vested interests in the continuation of segregated education systems prevalent in the country. from The Nation - Columns

The Sindh pursuit

The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, it seems, is looking towards Sindh; neither through Governor rule nor dismissing the Sindh government, but through a political gambit. from The Nation - Columns

Victims of time: Hamid Karzai and Mullah Baradar

It was midday in March 2012 when I landed at Kabul Airport as Interior Minister and was welcomed and received accordingly by my Afghan counterpart. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Pizza is like the entire food pyramid!”-Madeline Oles Pizza has a long history that can be traced back to 600 BC. from The Nation - Columns

JI and a prosperous Pakistan

Though formally founded on August 26, 1941, the Jamaat-e-Islami is ideologically the continuation of the movement which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had set up fourteen hundred and fifty years ago in Makkah. from The Nation - Columns

Mob mentality

According to Wikipedia, mob mentality, ‘also lesser known as gang mentality, describes how people can be influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviours on a largely emotional, rather than rational, basis. from The Nation - Columns

Increased aid to Afghanistan

The sixty-seventy years era of development aid has been on the decline for a couple of decades already, and more bilateral aid that is still forthcoming, is channelled through the multilateral system. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“The peasant rebellion against collectivization was the most serious episode in popular resistance experienced by the Soviet state after the Russian Civil War. from The Nation - Columns

75 years of jokes

Despite attaining the age of 75 years, the treatment of citizens in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is lacking. from The Nation - Columns

Remembering Iqbal Masih

In 2019, the UN General Assembly declared August 22 as the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief to honour the victims and survivors of heinous acts who often remain forgotten. from The Nation - Columns

Building national integration

This August 14 marked the completion of seventy-four years of independence of our beloved Pakistan and every single citizen celebrated it with great fanfare. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. from The Nation - Columns

Pakistan—the untold story

As the world continues to anxiously grapple with the aftermath of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, many global analysts have labelled the Taliban a “wholly owned subsidiary” of Pakistan. from The Nation - Columns

Lessons to remember

No country has influenced history the way Afghanistan has. from The Nation - Columns

The fall of Kabul: A public value perspective

There is a prominent theory in the public administration known as public value (PV) which, put simply, argues that politicians, bureaucrats, and civil society must work together to create value for the wider public, while also reflecting the values of the public. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

Lavender, traditionally called Lavandula, is a flowering plant belonging to the mint family. from The Nation - Columns

How to sell a narrative?

Pakistan has always been supportive of an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led broad-based government in Kabul. from The Nation - Columns

Media war against Pakistan

India has been using Afghan soil as a second front against Pakistan for sponsoring terrorism with the active support of the National Directorate of Security (NDS). from The Nation - Columns

Taliban’s second great victory

The fall of Kabul to the Taliban on August 15 was long overdue. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Fantasy and reality often overlap. from The Nation - Columns

Afghanistan must look within

The prevailing strategically-critical situation of Afghanistan is a result of the nonexistence of synchronisation of the intra-Afghan peace process and the withdrawal of the US and NATO forces from the country. from The Nation - Columns

The reclaiming of Kabul

The Taliban’s takeover of Kabul has been termed, by the Western media, as the ‘Fall of Kabul’. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“The whole country is one vast insane asylum and they’re letting the worst patients run the place. from The Nation - Columns

Three years of special education

This August, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf completed three successful years in power. from The Nation - Columns

A new Afghanistan and history

Today, I had planned to write about Afghan refugee issues, and also draw some lessons from the past, noting that Pakistan has been the main hosting country for Afghan refugees, quite successfully, over two score years. from The Nation - Columns

Nixon and the magic of Taxila

In 1963, after losing the governor’s race in California, Richard Nixon moved away from politics and his home state. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. from The Nation - Columns

The Afghan Taliban on trial

The spectacular victory of the Taliban in freeing their country from foreign occupation forces and their stooges has taken everyone by surprise. from The Nation - Columns

World Humanitarian Day

As we mark World Humanitarian Day, we need to take urgent action to engage in climate adaptation, build climate resilience and prepare all the better for the escalating disasters, displacement and cycles of vulnerability that the climate crisis is creating—a crisis that is proving particularly devastating for the health and wellbeing of. from The Nation - Columns

The fair gender

Ever since Noor Mukadam’s shocking murder, women in our country are traumatised, shaken and mistrusting towards men. from The Nation - Columns

Awaiting regional cooperation

Afghanistan has been a flashpoint for the past four decades. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations. from The Nation - Columns

The US and the game of chance

The “new land is the land of opportunity” was a popular phrase among Europeans in the early 1700s. from The Nation - Columns

Technological adoption

The vaccination drive against fighting Covid-19 is being administered in full swing across the country as the number of citizens having received doses surged over 1 million, increasing on a daily basis in Pakistan, which is a good sign for the future. from The Nation - Columns

Inflation—A growing cause of concern

Imran Khan’s approval ratings are finally beginning to become somewhat positive since the economy started to perform, inspiring hope among his supporters and supportive media that he can fulfil at least some of his campaign promises. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“If you ask the fish whether they’d rather have an oil spill or a season of fishing, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d vote for another blowout. from The Nation - Columns

After the fall

The punchline of the present era is that the General Bajwa Doctrine won and the Modi war doctrine bitterly failed, which rightly mentions the selfish and ill-motivated moves of India in the region and particularly against Pakistan. from The Nation - Columns

Gen Akhtar Abdul Rahman: The unsung hero

General Akhtar Abdul Rahman, the architect of the Afghan war against the Soviet Union is one of the true heroes of this land, who led to the defeat of a superpower. from The Nation - Columns

Have we been roasted?

As a nation we have been roasted/cooked. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

Benito Mussolini was one of Europe’s first dictators of the 20 century. from The Nation - Columns

Afghanistan and beyond

The desire to remain in power is perhaps the most dangerous pursuit in the political history of mankind. from The Nation - Columns

Skirmishes between Mizoram and Assam

India’s North East comprises eight states surrounded by China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. from The Nation - Columns

Causes of failure within Afghanistan

The prevailing volatile and strategically critical situation of Afghanistan is a result of nonexistence of synchronisation of Intra-Afghan Peace Process and the withdrawal of the US and NATO forces. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

The Native American Klamath tribe thought the Crater Lake in Oregon was a tall mountain by the name of Mazama. from The Nation - Columns

EVMs—yet another controversy

Elections in Pakistan always remain controversial and despite a lot of complaints and the establishment of investigative teams and commissions, the nation has not been able to know the results of investigations. from The Nation - Columns

Pak-US relations: Bridging the gap

I recently read a short paper titled ‘The Future of US Cooperation with Pakistan’, co-authored by General Joseph Votel (Ret. from The Nation - Columns

Remember Me…

“Remember me, when the truth becomes alone. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

The Scream, created in 1893, is one of the most famous paintings in the world. from The Nation - Columns

The strategic disconnect

The failed US’ Afghan campaign had a disastrous start, a muddled, uncertain conduct and is coming to a catastrophic end. from The Nation - Columns

Rekindling the past and the present

This year marks the 74th year of Independence of Pakistan from British rule. from The Nation - Columns

Kashmir: What next?

The conflict over the disputed territory of Kashmir is soluble only if pragmatic, realistic and tangible strategy is established to help set a stage to put the Kashmir issue on the road to a just and durable settlement. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Partition severed economic and social links, destroying the political, ecological, and demographic balance it had taken the subcontinent hundreds of years to forge. from The Nation - Columns

Tarnishing Pakistan’s image

As a society and state we preach religious tolerance to other nations and condemn the rising tide of Islamophobia, we fail in our own responsibility to protect the minorities and their worship places from attacks by the religious fanatics. from The Nation - Columns

World War I: 107 years down

Wars are best remembered for their catastrophic consequences and devastating impact on welfare and society. from The Nation - Columns

Is Kabul’s collapse imminent?

The Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan(IEA) seems to be on the cusp of complete control of Afghanistan, the bulk of Northern and North Western Afghanistan has fallen and the spectre of the fall of Kabul is being felt across the mountains and valleys of the Hindukush. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. from The Nation - Columns

Uzbekistan-Pakistan connectivity

The world contemporarily witnessed an establishment of new strategic partnership and ties between two significant countries of their respective regions, namely Pakistan from South Asia and Uzbekistan from Central Asia. from The Nation - Columns

A whole new world

I grew up with two brothers and in spite of being an only daughter, I wasn’t really raised in an overprotective manner. from The Nation - Columns

Unfinished efforts

First, today, may I congratulate all Pakistanis and friends of Pakistan on the occasion of the country’s Independence Day on August 14, celebrating freedom from direct British colonial rule (1858-1947), after a bitter independence struggle, dividing the Indian subcontinent into two separate states, India and Pakistan. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“The power of radio is not that it speaks to millions, but that it speaks intimately and privately to each one of those millions. from The Nation - Columns

In Pakistan—creeping mediocrity

We have been hearing about how merit will prevail under the PTI government and trust with only two years to go, it is about time that merit and excellence are indeed seen to be tangibly returning to Pakistani institutions. from The Nation - Columns

The frozen conflict

Ever since partition, Pakistan and India have harboured deep-rooted mistrust and animosity towards one another. from The Nation - Columns

The gathering storm

The trajectory of Pakistan-US relations has never run smooth. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“I like killing people because it is so much fun. from The Nation - Columns

Unnecessary attacks

This Thursday witnessed another blatant attack on minorities and their place of worship by citizens poisoned with extremism to their core through years of concentrated efforts. from The Nation - Columns

A canine kingdom

The non-performing ‘royal’ bureaucracy of Pakistan has created a ‘canine kingdom’. from The Nation - Columns

Terrorism and Islamophobia

With every passing day, the world is getting a clear picture as to why only Muslim countries are under the menace of terrorism. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

Instant messaging revolutionised the way we communicate. from The Nation - Columns

Labor fallacy and higher education

Whatever a child learns at school is mostly related to his personal development, it prepares him to row the boat for his own survival. from The Nation - Columns

India’s diplomatic terrorism

The alleged kidnapping of Afghanistan’s ambassador’s daughter in Islamabad made headlines in international media. from The Nation - Columns

What’s in a call?

Except for its symbolic value and prepollent optics, there is hardly anything worth waiting for in the anticipated phone call from Washington. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Life is full of surprises, some good, some not so good. from The Nation - Columns

The sacrifices of Kashmir

In the annals of history, nations and peoples are often blessed with leaders, guides and activists who play singular roles providing leadership that transcends inspiration and casts a lasting impact on these societies. from The Nation - Columns

From Cuba, with caution

Dreamers, visionaries, and idealists are vital for the success of any revolution, ideology or state, but are they enough? Concocting a vision for world peace is arguably easier than objectively implementing the peace paradigm in the contemporary age. from The Nation - Columns

Revisiting Kashmir’s legal matrix

On August 5th, this past week, two full years lapsed since the illegal abrogation of Kashmir’s autonomous status by the fascist Modi government, in complete contravention of the Indian Constitution, applicable UNSC resolutions, and international law. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

The sword of famine is less sparing than the bayonet of the soldier. from The Nation - Columns

Goodbye Uncle Sam

This marks the beginning of the end of the longest ever war of the United States of America, fought overseas in Afghanistan for almost 20 years. from The Nation - Columns

A globally-connected Europe

The European Union’s foreign ministers have agreed to work on a global infrastructure plan to link Europe with the world. from The Nation - Columns

The male gaze

Women, more than men, are familiar with the gut-wrenching unease we’ve all experienced with ogling eyes piercing through us, as if the distance between one set of eyes with the other suddenly diminishes, and the protective sheath becomes almost too thin to cover anything. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Life is great. from The Nation - Columns

Infections at alarming proportions

The pandemic situation in the country looked satisfactory after wading through the first three waves, but has taken a turn for the worse as the rate of infections has again gone on a higher trajectory. from The Nation - Columns

Two years of lockdown

For many of us, coronavirus, lockdowns and the ‘new normal’ have changed our lives in more ways than one. from The Nation - Columns

Talking with distant opponents

We all want to be listened to, and we wouldn’t mind if people changed their opinion after we had spoken. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“The pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based industry, as the source of innovative drugs. from The Nation - Columns

Kashmir; has the time come?

The story of Kashmir in the last 200 years is one of subjugation and tyranny. from The Nation - Columns

To build a community of health for all

The once-in-a-century COVID-19 pandemic is still wreaking havoc, posing a great threat to the lives and health of people all over the world, and is a big challenge to global public health. from The Nation - Columns

A Hindutva mindset

Kashmir continues to be a lingering and unresolved dispute between neighbouring nuclear powers India and Pakistan for more than seven decades and is quite rightly described as a nuclear flashpoint which may blow up at any time. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. from The Nation - Columns

Butchered to awaken conscience

PS: Please read this while wearing a lens of ‘humanity’ and keeping religious and moral values aside. from The Nation - Columns

The ethical therapist

The recent barbaric murder in the capital city has opened up a long overdue debate on the regulation of mental health services in Pakistan. from The Nation - Columns

When the eaglets dared

In 1952-53, Pakistan sent its ‘A’ Team to England for training and acclimatisation. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Ô, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth. from The Nation - Columns

The Pentagon’s foolish friends

People at the helm of affairs in the Pentagon need to put some good faith in the global proverbial truth that ‘a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend’. from The Nation - Columns

Nandana Fort: Unexplored heritage

The province of Punjab is the hub of historical and cultural landmarks apart from its versatile landscapes from the south to the north. from The Nation - Columns

The Commissioner’s dog

Commissioner Gujranwala, the great pet lover, lost his pedigreed German Shepherd dog. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“Start with something simple and small, thenexpand over time. from The Nation - Columns

Greater Nagaland

The North Eastern States of India are the most volatile and insurgency affected states in India after Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). from The Nation - Columns

Ignoring the golden opportunities

Pakistan is dubbed as the land of opportunities by local and foreign researchers, businessmen and policymakers due to its rich natural and human resources, market size, beautiful landscape, and untapped development in many areas. from The Nation - Columns

Kashmir: Policy or politics

Once the UN Security Council’s proposed plebiscite is held under the auspices of the United Nations and the people of Kashmir decide to accede to Pakistan, they would still have the option to be independent or stay with Pakistan. from The Nation - Columns

Past in Perspective

“So lovely was the loneliness of a wild lake. from The Nation - Columns