
Showing posts from July, 2019

Indonesia : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Indonesia

Indonesia : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Indonesia Published July 31, 2019 at 09:00AM

Indonesia : Selected Issues

Indonesia : Selected Issues Published July 31, 2019 at 09:00AM

The absence of identity

So lost am I with where to begin that perhaps the best place to start is with this moment; me staring blankly into the screen of my desktop trying to pull together in my head all the missing parts of myself. The effect is inconclusive. Almost hypnotic. But it brings no clarity to my thoughts, only a sense of resentment at myself for scuffing my ... from Opinions News

Role of pharmacists

In Pakistan laymen have no idea of a pharmacist is; neither do they know his importance in their lives. The fact is they are drugs experts sans whom the public health would shatter. One of the reasons behind the poor state of the health sector is that their pivotal role in medical field has not been recognized in our society so far. In 2000 ... from Opinions News

‘Norway Cup’ – an example for others

In my home country Norway people say that ‘Norway Cup’ is the world’s largest football tournament for children and youth. That’s half fake news, say others. The Swedish ‘Gothia Cup’ in Gothenburg, and also the Danish ‘Dana Cup’ in Hjørring in North Jutland, have more foreign teams ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“They might kill me, but they will never be able to kill my work” –Zarteef Afridi, 2009   Born in Jamrud, Zarteef Afridi was an educationist, human rights activist who became a school teacher in 1983 when Afghan Jihad was on the rise in the areas of FATA. Presciently sensing the threat, Afridi advocated for a much more ... from Opinions News

Burkina Faso : Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso : Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Burkina Faso Published July 31, 2019 at 09:00AM

Chad : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation, Fourth Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, Request for Modification of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chad

Chad : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation, Fourth Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, Request for Modification of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chad Published July 31, 2019 at 09:00AM

Chad : Selected Issues

Chad : Selected Issues Published July 31, 2019 at 09:00AM

Seismologists monitor Ridgecrest quake aftershocks using novel fiber optic network

Seismologists monitor Ridgecrest quake aftershocks using novel fiber optic network Scientists record thousands of tiny aftershocks occurring each day More at This is a Research News item.

Iconic California beaches have lost most of their biodiversity

Iconic California beaches have lost most of their biodiversity Scientists study urbanization of sandy beaches More at This is a Research News item.

Cabo Verde : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation and Request for an Eighteen-Month Policy Coordination Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation and Request for an Eighteen-Month Policy Coordination Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cabo Verde Published July 31, 2019 at 09:00AM

Republic of Lithuania : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report

Republic of Lithuania : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report Published July 31, 2019 at 07:00PM

Republic of Lithuania : Selected Issues

Republic of Lithuania : Selected Issues Published July 31, 2019 at 07:00PM

From inertia to feel-good times

It is usual of the US to become friendly with Pakistan in times of need. Whether trust has actually been restored between both the countries, in the aftermath of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the US, can only become evident once the US leaves Afghanistan. Imran Khan has come back from the US trip with four brownies: One, President ... from Opinions News

Political tangles

Nations must learn from history but unfortunately we do not. Political tangles are once again on the rise. This is not the first time that the entanglement has been carried too far to the extent of tearing the system apart. There is a Persian saying that says; ‘jokes are fun as long as they do not target the beards of the elders’. In ... from Opinions News

Cyclonic peace

Is this fallout of the recent meeting of the top civilian and military heads of both US and Pakistan administration or indicative of something else which remained beneath the surface so far? Is this something which was forsaken or kept dormant due to the high expectations which we had pinned down with merely the meeting with the US administration ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“My heart took me there; my mind should’ve known better.” Boota Singh was a resident of the district of Ludhiana in East Punjab who saved a Muslim girl during the riots of the partition. The two fell in love and got married. A decade after the partition, the governments of India and Pakistan decided to return the abducted women ... from Opinions News

New technique helps engineer water filters, human tissues

New technique helps engineer water filters, human tissues Protein patterns that look like flowers, trees, snowflakes could have applications in human health More at This is a Research News item.

Scientists discover new mechanism for how soils store carbon

Scientists discover new mechanism for how soils store carbon Soil pore structure key to carbon storage, climate impacts More at This is a Research News item.

Montenegro : Technical Assistance Report-Report on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Mission

Montenegro : Technical Assistance Report-Report on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Mission Published July 30, 2019 at 09:00AM

Modi has no one to blame but himself for Imran-Trump’s successful meet

Narendra Modi disastrously bungled India’s famous policy of so-called ‘non-alignment’ over the past year and ensured that the summit between Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and American President Donald Trump was an unprecedented success in changing the strategic chessboard in South Asia. Afghanistan, trade and Kashmir All of Eurasia is still trying to process the grand strategic implications of what took place last week during Imran’s unprecedentedly successful summit with Trump. The American leader praised his counterpart for “extricating” the Pentagon from Afghanistan, committing to invest even more in the South Asian state, and even surprisingly offering to mediate the on-going Kashmir ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Pot Luck

Livia Gershon  | Longreads | July 2019 | 8 minutes (1,983 words) Last month, shareholders of Canopy Growth, the world’s biggest cannabis company, agreed to a proposed merger with Acreage Holdings, the largest weed business in the United States. The deal, worth $3.4 billion, will take effect if and when the drug becomes legal at the federal level in the U.S., creating a massive international player in a rapidly expanding, newly legal industry. Meanwhile, as The Intercept reported , Fate Winslow, a homeless black man who sold $20 of weed in 2008, remains in prison on a life sentence, under Louisiana’s three-strikes law. Winslow is confined to a dorm with more than 80 other prisoners, double-bunked with no air conditioning in the heat of the Louisiana State Penitentiary. The contrast is especially striking because John Boehner, former U.S. House speaker and a longtime opponent of legalizing cannabis, serves on Acreage’s board of advisors. Boehner’s jump, from fighting legal weed to

Afghanistan’s elusive peace

The US Afghan Campaign, ”suffers from a persistent mission creep, insufficient force levels, meek operational strategies, an uncertain strategic direction, an ambiguous desired end state and a chronic dearth of policy stewardship and coherence at the White House, State Department and Pentagon levels” – (US Egress from ... from Opinions News

Traits of a true believer

Bismillahir Rehmaanir Raheem Allah humma salle Allah Muhammadin wa Aale Muhammadin wa Ajjil Farajahum. Imam Ali ibne Abi Talib (AS) once said, that a government of infidels may flourish but a government without justice will not. “Fiat justitia ruat caelum” is a legal phrase in Latin, meaning “Let justice be done though the ... from Opinions News

Teachers and academic norms

Since the dawn of mankind we have been trying to subdue nature, initially we relied on the genius of individuals, who lead the way and were revered parallel to gods. Some 3000 years ago, I believe human beings collectively entered the domain of wisdom and for the very first time realized that it was only the observation of nature, which can now be ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“The press in Pakistan shares the guilt of this nation’s state. It has been silent when it should have spoken, dishonest when it should have been forthright, succumbed when it should have stood fast.” (Razia Bhatti in the first editorial piece of “Newsline”, 1989) Born in 1944 in Karachi, Razia Bhatti started her ... from Opinions News

Pakistan’s education crisis: enrolled in schools, unable to learn

It is no secret that Pakistan’s education sector is in dire straits. The Wilson Center report, titled ‘Why Can’t Pakistani Children Read? The Inside Story of Education Reform Efforts Gone Wrong,’ talks about Pakistan’s ‘education emergency’. It talks at length about the misdiagnosed education crisis of Pakistan which has resulted from decades of well-meaning but majorly-flawed internal and international reforms. Maina Gathinjaga WaGîokõ, a fellow educationist from Kenya, once said, “I am not worried about the 850,000 who are out of school. I am more worried about the 12 million who are in school.” The current level of enrollment in kindergarten at ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Loans, loans & loans – reversing the tide!

In the current national economic scenario marked by loans, loans and loans, Pakistan is unfortunately caught in a serious debt trap due to the failures of economic managers over the past decades. Basic changes in economic policies aimed at drastic reforms are needed to reverse this downtrend aimed at fast track growth of national wealth. According ... from Opinions News

Reconverge in Afghanistan?

Imran Khan and Donald Trump are sometimes satirically likened for their identical personal and political traits about roasting their opponents by their flashy but engrossing public oratories. But it is true that the two unpredictable leaders have literally disrupted the orthodox politics in their respective countries. They also share similar ... from Opinions News

Pakistan, democracy and triumph

July 20, 2019, will be written in golden words in the politically chequered history books of Pakistan and the day will go do down in the annals of history as historical and epoch-making. It was on this day that the tribal people of the formerly Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) had achieved what they had been anxiously and very keenly ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“If I had a palace made of pearls,inlaid with jewels,scented with musk, saffron and sandalwood,a sheer delight to beholdseeing this, I might go astray and forget Youand Your Name would not enter into my mind.” Located in the middle of Indus River, between Rohri and Sukkur, is the sacred island of Sadho Bela known for its complex of ... from Opinions News

Cyber security in the age of AI

In a constantly progressing cyber threat landscape where antivirus software and firewalls are considered tools of antiquity, organizations are now looking for more technologically advanced means of safeguarding classified and sensitive information. Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the position as a warrior against digital threats across the ... from Opinions News

World Hepatitis Day-2019

The theme for World Hepatitis Day this year is to “Invest in eliminating hepatitis”. This is crucial for Pakistan, where the health sector has been suffering from inadequate funding from the government. The host country for World Hepatitis Day 2019 is Pakistan. The global events will be held in Islamabad, Pakistan on 27-28 July ... from Opinions News

Ehsaas: for street children

As the centerpiece of its human sector development and poverty alleviation initiative, Imran Khan’s PTI government has been pursuing the ‘Ehsaas’ program. This program, for which the Prime Minister released a ‘policy statement’ in April of this year, claims to encompass “4 focus areas and 115 policy actions to ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

Born in Amritsar in 1937, Afzal Ahsan Randhawa was a renowned Urdu and Punjabi writer. His fiction had a deep connection with the roots of culture and folklore of undivided Punjab, which explains his popularity across the borders in Indian Punjab as well. He started writing in Punjabi at a time when the language was seen suspiciously by the state, ... from Opinions News

Rebooting Pak-US relations

Is the world so perfect or so imperfect depending on how you view it? The light before passing through the glass prism, or refracting its path into colours after passing through? Or is it the wavy image seen through water. The objects are not what they seem to be. This is what propagandists do.  At least this is what a certain group of ... from Opinions News

Majid Nizami - visionary of his time

I had a number of interactions with Janab Nizami Sahab and found him to be a man with wisdom and very kindhearted. My first meeting took place with him when I was passing through the difficult days when I was made OSD under suspension because of investigation into very high profiles cases against the then Prime Minister. I still remember his ... from Opinions News

How are FinTechs shaping the future of Banking?

The bankers of the future will be very different from the bankers of today. Different personalities, backgrounds and skill sets. Let us first understand the definition of a FinTech? FinTech is short for financial technology which is the innovative use of technology in the design and delivery of financial services. It is transforming the banking ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

There is no friendship between us   We don’t want to lie to you With you, our relationship is of animosity Perhaps this is the only way to meet (“The reply of Bhagat Singh to his affluent classmate”, Najm Hosain Syed)   Born in 1936, Najm Hosain Syed is a Pakistani Punjabi writer whose family migrated to Lahore after ... from Opinions News

Astronomers see evidence of Einstein's theories in star orbiting massive black hole

Astronomers see evidence of Einstein's theories in star orbiting massive black hole Two-decade study tracked light traveling from the center of the Milky Way, confirms Einstein's predictions More at This is a Research News item.

Clues found on how soils may respond to climate change

Clues found on how soils may respond to climate change Researchers looked back millions of years for possible view of the future More at This is a Research News item.

Study in Antarctic waters reveals why Ross Ice Shelf melts in summer

Study in Antarctic waters reveals why Ross Ice Shelf melts in summer Local factors influencing ice shelf's stability refine sea level predictions More at This is a Research News item.

'Terminators' on the sun trigger plasma tsunamis, start of new solar cycles

'Terminators' on the sun trigger plasma tsunamis, start of new solar cycles Next solar cycle may start within a year More at This is a Research News item.

Editor’s Roundtable: Manufactured to Go Viral (Podcast)

On our July 26, 2019 roundtable episode of the Longreads Podcast , Audience Editor Catherine Cusick , Editor-in-Chief Mike Dang , and Senior Editor Kelly Stout share what they’ve been reading and nominate stories for the   Weekly Top 5 Longreads . This week, the editors discuss stories in Pacific Standard, The Paris Review, and Topic . Subscribe and listen now everywhere you get your podcasts. 3:37 “ Losing The News. ” ( Brent Cunningham , July 23, 2019, Pacific Standard ) 13:05  “ The Crane Wife. ” ( CJ Hauser , July 16, 2019, The Paris Review ) 23:59 “ The Teens Who Play Dead to Save Lives .” ( Andy Wright , July 2019, Topic )   * * * Produced by Longreads and Charts & Leisure .

Common feature of cancer cells may also be their Achilles' heel

Common feature of cancer cells may also be their Achilles' heel New study uses yeast cells and cancer cell data to find disease’s weak spot More at This is a Research News item.

What motivates people to join -- and stick with -- citizen science projects?

What motivates people to join -- and stick with -- citizen science projects? Long-term participants in citizen science motivated by project mission and goals More at This is a Research News item.

North Carolina coastal flooding is worsening with climate change, population growth

North Carolina coastal flooding is worsening with climate change, population growth Historical data set allows confirmation of effects More at This is a Research News item.

How fat prawns can save lives

How fat prawns can save lives Prawns eat parasites that transmit schistosomiasis, reducing disease transmission More at This is a Research News item.

Iraq : Selected Issues

Iraq : Selected Issues Published July 26, 2019 at 09:00AM

Iraq : 2019 Article IV Consultation and Proposal for Post-Program Monitoring-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Iraq

Iraq : 2019 Article IV Consultation and Proposal for Post-Program Monitoring-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Iraq Published July 26, 2019 at 09:00AM

Dividends of US visit

The three-day visit to USA by Prime Minister Imran Khan coming in the backdrop of a nosedive in the relations between the two countries, following President Trump accusing Pakistan of duplicitous role in Afghanistan and the rejection of his policy on Afghanistan and Asia by the latter, was probably the most high profile visit by any head of ... from Opinions News

Pakistan’s victory in ICJ

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) rejected India’s request to acquit, release and return of its national Kulbhushan Jadhav, who was sentenced by Pakistan on charges of espionage, additionally asking Pakistan to provide him consular access. But the only relief India got was court’s order to provide consular access to Kulbhushan ... from Opinions News

Majid Nizami: A Preacher of Ideology

The late Majid Nizami was the biggest preacher of the ideology of Pakistan in the modern age. He always termed it a cornerstone of Pakistan and took one’s loyalty to this cause as a guarantee to the unity and existence of Pakistan. Pakistan was a gift of God, he believed, and so considered upholding its ideological foundation and serving the ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

Born in 1953 in Sindh, Nazeer Abbasi was a political activist who worked for the rights of the working classes, peasants. He was first arrested at a very young age for participating in a hunger strike of Baldia Employees Union in Tando Allahyar. During Patt Feeder peasant movement of Baluchistan in 1976, Abbasi organized a movement of peasants to ... from Opinions News

Cameroon : Fourth Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Requests for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria and Modification of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cameroon

Cameroon : Fourth Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Requests for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria and Modification of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Cameroon Published July 25, 2019 at 08:00PM

Can Boris Johnson be Britain’s saviour?

Boris Johnson’s election to the premiership of the United Kingdom (UK) is a very peculiar exercise in democracy. Not only does the Conservative Party not command a solid majority in the House of Commons, but the electorate which appointed Johnson as prime minister consists of over 90,000 Conservative Party members that are far to the right of the average UK citizen. To add to this furore, we had Sir Alan Duncan pre-resigning from Johnson’s government and one can only expect a swathe of further resignations to come, further cutting the Conservative’s majority in parliament. Thank you all for the incredible ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Karachi, a story of neglect since time immemorial

Karachi has been a story of neglect since time immemorial. Perhaps the only sincere effort that was done to improve the infrastructure of this great city was during General Pervez Musharraf’s time when the then mayor of Karachi, Naimatullah Khan, and later on Mustafa Kamal, had tried to restore the glory of Karachi. For the first time, the denizens of Karachi watched their city beginning to evolve into a thriving metropolis. The ‘I own Karachi’ initiative, conceived by Kamal and his team, was a brilliant idea aimed at encouraging citizens to be more active and responsible members of the ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

On whose side are Western aid diplomats?

In my articles last week and the week before, I have looked at some aspects of the calibre and work of Western diplomats in developing countries, mostly related to development aid. I have also said that their jobs, especially those who are heading an embassy or government aid agency, but also those in top posts in the United Nations agencies, hold ... from Opinions News

Syrian refugee situation in neighboring states

After the outbreak of hostilities in Syria in 2012, the whole region became the most concentrated region for refugees. Millions of refugees fled to neighbouring countries, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq who now make up a large factor of their population. The situation of the refugees became worse day by day which forced them to move towards ... from Opinions News

Will UN ever act against Daesh?

Daesh is expanding in the world unhindered and it is franchising world-wide and I have written this book mainly to inform the world about its emergence as even more dangerous and lethal than the Taliban & Al Qaeda. I felt that it is my obligation to uncover the growing effect of terrorism and brutalities taking place under its cover. It is ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“Having spent nearly 10 years of my life in jail and another five or more years underground or under house arrest, I’ve never doubted that Pakistan would overlook my contribution” –Sobho Gianchnadani   Born in 1920 in a village near Mohenjo Daro, Sobho Gianchandani was a prominent Sindhi politician, activist, and ... from Opinions News

France : Financial System Stability Assessment

France : Financial System Stability Assessment Published July 24, 2019 at 09:00AM

Republic of Congo : Staff Report-Press Release; Staff Report; Debt Sustainability Analysis, and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Congo

Republic of Congo : Staff Report-Press Release; Staff Report; Debt Sustainability Analysis, and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Congo Published July 24, 2019 at 09:00AM

France : Selected Issues

France : Selected Issues Published July 24, 2019 at 09:00AM

France : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for France

France : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for France Published July 24, 2019 at 09:00AM

Justin Trudeau vs Andrew Scheer: who will be Canada’s next prime minister

One of the first things that one notices after becoming a permanent Canadian resident is how organised the system of governance is. Therefore, when it comes to the elections, Canadians take a good, hard look at past performances at all levels of the government before casting their vote. But before discussing the upcoming elections, it is imperative that one understands the nature of governance in Canada. Towns and cities have their own municipal governments that oversee everything, from maintaining local parks to providing utilities. Then there is the provincial government that is responsible for governing the education and healthcare being ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Brazil : Selected Issues

Brazil : Selected Issues Published July 23, 2019 at 09:00AM

Brazil : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Brazil

Brazil : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Brazil Published July 23, 2019 at 09:00AM

Crossing the line

Growing up on the Mall Road was both interesting and rewarding. In the sixties the ‘Janaza’ of Khaksar Leader Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi was massive while in the seventies Khawaja Muhammad Rafique funeral was very impressive. Despite being a Muslim League Child, I followed closely the political innings of Khawaja Sahib who was involved ... from Opinions News

Realistic economic indicators

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI)’s federal government headed by Prime Minister Imran Khan has presented its first formal budget for financial year 2019-20 which has since been debated at length and passed amidst lot of noise and obstructions by the opposition parties jointly and is under implementation from July01,2019, the first day of the ... from Opinions News

A critique on Pakistan’s Monetary Policy

Regardless of who is to be blamed the reality is that economy is in a mess! Economic activity has shrunk dramatically (I can quote from a reliable source that till July 10th, not a single bag of yarn was traded in the Faisalabad yarn market, the largest in the country); exports are consistently declining; Stock Market stands eroded; and investment ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. –Maya Angelou   Baba Jan is an activist, politician from Gilgit Baltistan who is currently serving a life time sentence in Jail on the charges of various concocted political cases. He was arrested in ... from Opinions News

Device channels heat into light

Device channels heat into light Carbon nanotube films enable method to recycle waste heat More at This is a Research News item.

Between ants and acacias, timing is everything

Between ants and acacias, timing is everything New insights into a long-described mutualistic relationship More at This is a Research News item.

New method may resolve difficulty in measuring universe’s expansion

New method may resolve difficulty in measuring universe’s expansion Merger of neutron stars becomes 'cosmic ruler' capable of measuring the expansion of the universe More at This is a Research News item.

Holistically address population bomb

Pakistan has a long-list of problems and exponential population growth is at the top of that list. Ironically, one does not find this pressing issue of gigantic magnitude in the governments’ to-do list. It seems the federal and provincial governments treat the unplanned population growth as issue of inconsiderable importance. This menace has ... from Opinions News

UN’s visit to Xinjiang refutes allegations

The issue of Chinese ‘re-education and re-integration camps’ has once again hit the international headlines with the recent visit of Vladimir Voronkov the head of United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism to Xinjiang in June. Chinese government has been alleged to run these camps with an estimated population of one million Uighur, ... from Opinions News

A burden on judiciary’s shoulders

The audio-video scandal wherein Accountability Court (AC) Judge Arshad Malik was allegedly found to be involved in discussing the case of Mian Nawaz Sharif has created headlines in the news and provided oxygen to the opposition parties, particularly PML (N) whose leadership is facing corruption charges. The allegations and revelations from both ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“If there was an all-Pakistan figure after Jinnah, it was perhaps Bhashani” –Professor Layli Uddin   Born in 1880 in Dhangara Village, Bengal, Maulana Bhashani got his earlier education from Deoband Madressah where he got inspired by progressive Islamic thinkers. He joined Indian National Congress in 1919 and was jailed for ... from Opinions News

Niger : Selected Issues

Niger : Selected Issues Published July 22, 2019 at 09:00AM

Niger : 2019 Article IV Consultation, Fourth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility, and Requests for Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion, Modification of Performance Criteria, and Extension and Rephasing of the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report and Statement by the Executive Director for Niger

Niger : 2019 Article IV Consultation, Fourth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility, and Requests for Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion, Modification of Performance Criteria, and Extension and Rephasing of the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report and Statement by the Executive Director for Niger Published July 22, 2019 at 09:00AM

PFAS chemicals move from mom to fetus at higher rate in women with gestational diabetes

PFAS chemicals move from mom to fetus at higher rate in women with gestational diabetes pidemiologists focus on possible health effects of synthetic compounds known as 'forever chemicals' More at This is a Research News item.

Correcting historic sea surface temperatures reveals simpler pattern of ocean warming

Correcting historic sea surface temperatures reveals simpler pattern of ocean warming Clues found in the digitizing of decks of punch cards from the early 20th century More at This is a Research News item.

Physicists find first possible 3D quantum spin liquid

Physicists find first possible 3D quantum spin liquid Cerium pyrochlore is first to qualify as long-sought state of matter More at This is a Research News item.

Republic of Serbia : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation and Second Review under the Policy Coordination Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; Information Annex; Staff Statement; and Statement by the Executive Director for Republic of Serbia

Republic of Serbia : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation and Second Review under the Policy Coordination Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; Information Annex; Staff Statement; and Statement by the Executive Director for Republic of Serbia Published July 22, 2019 at 09:00AM

New computational tool for data scientists, biologists and other researchers

New computational tool for data scientists, biologists and other researchers Computational tool solves the ‘community detection’ problem More at This is a Research News item.

Algae-killing viruses spur nutrient recycling in oceans

Algae-killing viruses spur nutrient recycling in oceans Finding confirms important role of viruses that infect marine algae More at This is a Research News item.

Scientists deepen understanding of magnetic fields that surround Earth

Scientists deepen understanding of magnetic fields that surround Earth Finding opens new ways to study our own planet and others More at This is a Research News item.

Imran Khan wins America

It was a Sunday night and Washington’s large Capital One Arena was packed. But it wasn’t packed for basketball or a music concert; it was 20,000 people who came to listen to Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan. It was at this moment when on a cultural level, decades of mistrust and bad blood between Pakistan and the United States (US) evaporated. Prior to the formation of Imran’s government, Pakistan’s prime ministers were the kind of people who could only fill large public squares at home by mobilising a network of bribery and patronage. Such politicians could not attract any great ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

India, with a bigoted edge on Kashmir

Two reports on Kashmir were issued this year. One, a 560 pages report was published in May 2019, by the joint efforts of the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons and the Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society titled: “Torture: Indian State’s Instrument of Control in Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir.” Another a ... from Opinions News

Jobs creation promise?

PTI’s promise before elections to create 10 million jobs for youth is being viewed now as a mere rhetoric after one fiscal year has passed. Pakistan has seen a major influx of unemployment at the rate of 6.2% in last decade. Under the current economic crunch, the common citizen is confounded and so is the government. The faltering economic ... from Opinions News

Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav Case

Earlier this week, on 17th of July, 2019, the International Court of Justice at The Hague rendered its judgment in the infamous Kulbhushan Jadhav case. The verdict, broadcasted live throughout India and Pakistan, granted India consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav, while rejecting India’s prayers regarding annulment of Jadhav’s ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“I believe in Jesus Christ who has given his own life for us, and I am ready to die for a cause.” –Shahbaz Bhatti, 2010   Born in 1968 in Lahore, Shahbaz Bhatti was the first Christian parliamentarian who became the federal minister for minorities affairs in 2008. During his tenure, he introduced a number of legislative ... from Opinions News

Iftikhar Lund as a human rights advisor is like a wolf drafting a charter on the rights of sheep

From the ashes of World War II rose the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This international instrument granted a special place to the concept of human dignity. Article 1 of the UDHR states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Today, more than a hundred constitutions across the world make some reference to human dignity, either as a right or as a value that the state is to aspire towards. Although there is a wide disagreement about the ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

FATA a new trajectory

As erstwhile FATA goes through polls, another chapter in the history of this region opens. Historically FATA along with Eastern Afghanistan has remained a conflict zone and an area for great game between major powers right from Alexander the Great to invaders from Central Asia, FATA remained an Achilles heel for all warriors. In modern times, this ... from Opinions News

Myth of FIR

Other than gender mainstreaming in Police, automation of Police processes is second biggest achievement of Punjab Police in last decade. Punjab Police is a leading example in this scenario by all standards and other provinces and police organisations are following suit. However, the cardinal issue of First Information Report (FIR) remains the ... from Opinions News

A maiden visit to USA

It appears that as time goes by, the challenges being faced by the government of Imran Khan keep getting worse. When PTI took over the reins of the country, there were elaborate plans to bolster the economy and to overhaul the bureaucracy of Pakistan among other objectives, but it seems, they only proved to be a far cry. After two mini-budgets by ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“She was very cheerful and wanted to be an international cricketer. At a very young age she used to bowl fast and bat like a batsman and realizing her interest we allowed her to play cricket.” –Halima Rafique’s cousin   Born in 1997, Halima Rafique was a part of Multan Cricket Team. In July 2013, she joined four other ... from Opinions News

How much water does a snowpack hold?

How much water does a snowpack hold? Scientists find a new way to answer long-standing question More at This is a Research News item.

Robot arm 'tastes' with engineered bacteria

Robot arm 'tastes' with engineered bacteria Proof of concept for biologically based soft robotics More at This is a Research News item.

'Oumuamua interstellar object was not an alien spacecraft

'Oumuamua interstellar object was not an alien spacecraft Interstellar object's identity still not fully understood More at This is a Research News item.

Researchers wirelessly manipulate gene, step toward reprogramming the human genome

Researchers wirelessly manipulate gene, step toward reprogramming the human genome Advances in nanophotonics could one day lead to new treatments for cancer, mental disorders More at This is a Research News item.

Vitamin C is key to protection of new nanomaterial

Vitamin C is key to protection of new nanomaterial Discovery prevents degradation, opens future applications More at This is a Research News item.

Using artificial intelligence to better predict severe weather

Using artificial intelligence to better predict severe weather Researchers create AI algorithm to detect cloud formations that lead to storms More at This is a Research News item.

The future of India–Pakistan relations

There was much hope of the new era of good relations based on love, respect and cooperation between Pakistan and India when after assuming the office, Imran Khan extended good gestures. But these best wishes were not reciprocated in the same way. The incident of Pulwama wherein forty Indian soldiers were killed further exacerbated the already ... from Opinions News

Freedom of expression

The Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mehmood Qureshi was severely criticized by a Canadian social media activist during the ‘Global Conference for Media Freedom: London 2019’. The complainant accused the foreign minister (his government) of censoring his twitter account, telling him that ‘he had no right to silence his ... from Opinions News

Workers’ remittances back home

Pretty large numbers of Pakistanis are working in different countries around the globe for varying periods. They are engaged in different sectors and services in these countries. They are playing an important and appreciable role in promoting and strengthening the economies of these countries through their humble contributions and in the process ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“I am not afraid to die. I am proud to die, to have to free my native land and I hope that when I am gone, I hope that in my place will come thousands of my countrymen to drive you dirty dogs British out; to free my country.”   (Udham Singh during his trial in 1940)   Born in 1899 in Punjab, Udham Singh was in Jallianwala ... from Opinions News

Honduras : Selected Issues

Honduras : Selected Issues Published July 19, 2019 at 09:00AM

Honduras : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation and Request for a Stand-By Arrangement and an Arrangement Under the Standby Credit Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Honduras

Honduras : Staff Report for the 2019 Article IV Consultation and Request for a Stand-By Arrangement and an Arrangement Under the Standby Credit Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Honduras Published July 19, 2019 at 09:00AM

The repercussions of Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s arrest

One could argue that Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s arrest has always been on the cards. He has been very vocal against the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) regime, has said he was not afraid of being arrested, and he also never filed a petition for protective bail against his arrest. But before discussing Abbasi’s current predicament, it is important to understand the charges levied against him. The National Accountability Bureau’s (NAB) Karachi office, while investigating the case against Abbasi in 2017, observed that there were irregularities in the awarding of the LNG contracts. It was said that the Sui Southern Gas Company Limited ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Bundyville: The Remnant, Chapter Five: The Remnant

Leah Sottile | Longreads | July 2019 | 45 minutes (9,790 words) Part 5 of 5 of Bundyville: The Remnant , season two of Bundyville, a series and podcast from Longreads and  OPB .  Catch up on season one of  Bundyville  here. I. Stella Anne Bulla was born in November 1949 in Asheboro, North Carolina to Dorothy Ann Lemon and Brinford Bulla, a man who served in the Navy and worked for the federal government as a postal employee most of his life. Stella — who, at some point, preferred to be called by her middle name, Anne — was one of five children: brothers, Artis, John and Brad, and a sister, Cara. The children were raised devout Southern Baptists, attending church meetings once during the week, and twice on weekends. Anne wanted to grow up one day and live in a place where she could ride horses.  By high school, Anne adhered to the “higher the hair, the closer to God” school of thought: Where other girls of Grimsley High School smiled with youthful innocence from photos, Anne grinne