
Showing posts from January, 2020

Past in Perspective

“The patchwork political landscape of the Arab world - the client monarchies, degenerated nationalist dictatorships, and the imperial petrol stations known as the Gulf states - was the outcome of an intensive experience of Anglo-French colonialism.” – Tariq Ali   Sykes-Picot Agreement, also called Asia Minor Agreement, ... from Opinions News

Coronavirus: rumours, panic go rampage

At the critical time when the best efforts are afoot to defeat Coronavirus, speculations and panic have run amok emerging as formidable threats than its breakneck sprawl and fatality rate around the world especially in Pakistan. With declaration of global emergency against the Coronavirus, global unity is dire need of hour to quell series of ... from Opinions News

The deal that seals the era of Eurocentric delusion

“Let us call the agreement by its real name: an instrument of Palestinian surrender, a Palestinian Versailles.” –Edward W. Said The most influential Palestinian intellectual of the 20th century uttered these words when the so-called ‘peace process’ between Palestinians and Israelis, under the ‘guidance’ of ... from Opinions News

Coronavirus: natural or manmade biological warfare

In my previous article titled “Coronavirus - Global scare” in this paper on January 29, 2020, I had mentioned the detailed description regarding “Coronavirus” that has become a global threat right at the beginning of the New Year. In my article, I had hinted about a movie based on a theme of a virus and now would like to ... from Opinions News

Sadhguru – BJP’s spiritual henchman

One could argue that the term ‘guru’ has come to become one of the most misused and abused words in India today. Traditionally, Indians have seen gurus as a source of wisdom, whose sage advice was often sought by kings. Ancient Indian texts are filled with stories in which rulers use the advice provided by gurus as a guiding principle when determining state policy. But it appears that this mindset has not remained confined to the past. Modern India now has its own set of gurus, and they too derive their legitimacy through political patronage. In turn, they try to endorse the political deeds of the ruling ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Why the struggle for a secular Pakistan was doomed from the very beginning

Pakistan has always tried to portray itself as a beacon of moderate Islam. However, the fact of the matter is, Pakistan at present stands at the cusp of becoming a populist theocracy. After his victory in the 2018 elections, Prime Minister Imran Khan highlighted his intention to restore the country to the glory of ‘Riyast-e-Madina’ during the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Slogans currently being raised by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf are somewhat similar to what the All India Muslim League propagated during the movement for independence; creating a state which gives Muslims supremacy. Therefore, campaigning in the name ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Forbidden Fruits

Often abroad you’re asked as a Pakistani, “Did you wear a hijab growing up?” or “Were you allowed to date?” I answer with a sense of pride: “I wasn’t forced to do anything except attend some weddings I didn’t want to.” But now that I reflect - and there are incidents that make me reflect - ... from Opinions News

Robots and Man: The language barrier

We’ve been terrified by Stephen Hawking telling us our handy computer would one day overthrow us, we’ve heard Elon Musk predict the ‘end of humanity’ by its own creation, and now, Saudi Arabia has reached unprecedented heights when, just recently, it granted an ‘honorary’ citizenship to a robot, named ... from Opinions News

World community must shake its conscience

The right of the people to self-determination is a cardinal principle in modern international law. The concept of self-determination evolved as a by-product of the doctrine of nationalism. It found expression in the French and American Revolutions. The allies accepted self-determination as an aim for peace in the World War I. In his fourteen ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“Fear is a line in your head. You have to decide which side you want to be on.” –(Sabeen Mehmood)   Born in 1974 in Karachi, Sabeen Mahmood was brought up in a family in which she was given the independence to carve out her life the way she wanted to, a freedom very rarely granted to a woman born in Pakistan. Perhaps, this ... from Opinions News

Unraveling arthropod genomic diversity over 500 million years of evolution

Unraveling arthropod genomic diversity over 500 million years of evolution Results point to key factors behind arthropods’ success More at This is a Research News item.

Insecticides are becoming more toxic to honeybees

Insecticides are becoming more toxic to honeybees Neonicotinoid seed treatments driving a dramatic increase in insecticide toxicity More at This is a Research News item.

In death of the dinosaurs, it was all about the asteroid

In death of the dinosaurs, it was all about the asteroid Volcanic activity did not play a direct role, scientists find More at This is a Research News item.

Scientists improve understanding of Mount St. Helens eruption recovery

Scientists improve understanding of Mount St. Helens eruption recovery Discover that plants are influencing ecosystem’s recovery More at This is a Research News item.

Oceanographers predict increase in phytoplankton

Oceanographers predict increase in phytoplankton Machine learning Earth system model projects growth in lower latitudes by 2100 More at This is a Research News item.

South Africa : Selected Issues

South Africa : Selected Issues Published January 30, 2020 at 10:00AM

South Africa : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for South Africa

South Africa : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for South Africa Published January 30, 2020 at 10:00AM

Will the ICJ ruling lead to real change for the Rohingya?

While the horrific treatment of the Rohingya in Myanmar has been repeatedly condemned by many quarters and also resulted in various protests across Pakistan, the simple truth of the matter is that such atrocities can not be addressed by simply staging a march or shouting from the rooftops. Any issue of international concern has to be tackled through the channels and mediums available so as to ensure that long-standing and enforceable measures can be implemented in order to tackle the crisis under question. Hence, while many simply chose to voice their outrage, Gambia chose to take action. The small West ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Immigrants’ class journeys

Many immigrants do impressive class journeys in the West, including Pakistanis. But it was a very a special occasion when the Norwegian coalition cabinet of Prime Minister Erna Solberg was reshuffled last Friday, and the new and old ministers came out from their curtsy cabinet meeting in the Royal Palace, being introduced to King Harald V of ... from Opinions News

Moving towards credible elections

The son of Bhera, Sikandar Sultan Raja has been tasked to ensure the next credible election in the land of the pure. In the checkered political history of Pakistan only the 1970 electoral contest remains indisputable. Only Jamaat-e-Islami complained after a poor showing winning only four seats in both the Eastern and Western wings of the country. ... from Opinions News

Collapse of corporate India

As Indian economy sees the signs of recession; a detailed research was conducted by to examine data within Indian and international media which could help understand the state of Indian economy, especially its corporate sector. A report by Belgium based International watch dog, CADTM (Committee for Abolition of Illegitimate Debt) in Jun 2019, the ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

‘You cannot carry out fundamental change without a certain amount of madness. In this case, it comes from nonconformity, the courage to turn your back on the old formulas, the courage to invent the future. It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. We must dare to ... from Opinions News

Republic of Kazakhstan : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

Republic of Kazakhstan : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report Published January 29, 2020 at 10:00AM

Republic of Nauru : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Nauru

Republic of Nauru : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Nauru Published January 30, 2020

Kenya : Technical Assistance Report-Monetary and Financial Statistics Mission (December 3-14, 2018)

Kenya : Technical Assistance Report-Monetary and Financial Statistics Mission (December 3-14, 2018) Published January 29, 2020 at 10:00AM

Be a Good Sport

Soraya Roberts | Longreads | January 2020 |  9 minutes (2,284 words) I hate jocks. Like a good Gen X’er, I walked around my high school with that patch on my backpack — red lettering, white backdrop, frisbee-size. A jock high school. It’s impossible to overstate the contempt I had for sports as a kid. I hated what I took to be phony puddle-deep camaraderie, the brain-dead monosyllabic mottos, the aggressive anti-intellectualism. More than that, there appeared to be a very specific cruelty to it. The way there were always a couple of kids who were always picked last. The collective bullying if someone didn’t measure up to the collective goals. And none of the teachers ever seemed to be as mean as the coaches. They strutted around like grown children, permanently transfixed by the ambitions of their adolescence, actively excluding the same kids they had mocked in their youth. When I hear about sports stars who kill or commit suicide or generally behave antisocially, I always think: n

How an education campaign in Balochistan is doing what the state failed to do

The failure of the Pakistan government to ensure access to quality education for the people of Balochistan has already been well documented. While it may well be tempting to harp on about the repeated shortcomings on part of the state to establish a reliable education system from which the residents of Balochistan can benefit, it is perhaps equally important to shed light upon those individuals who have made it their life’s mission to do what the state has failed to do for years – provide quality education to the children of Balochistan. One such initiative is the Balochistan Education System (BES) ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Do Pakistanis pay their rightful taxes?

Well, we discussed India’s myth on taxation last week, so let’s now try and compare how Pakistanis fare against the Indian taxpayers – India by the way is often quoted by the Pakistani Revenue Authorities as the model or the example that the Pakistani taxpayers need to learn from and ought to follow! Continuing from where we left ... from Opinions News

‘Hunarmand Pakistan’ and Skills Education

‘Hunarmand Pakistan’ is a significant component of the Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan National Youth Development Program. The recent launching of this initiative is a definite proof of concept highlighting the importance of skills education (hunarmandi) in the country. Importantly, Pakistan being the only country on the Earth ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.”–Nelson Mandela Mandela spent 27 years behind bars to fight against White Supremacy in South Africa.   101 years ago Rolihlahla Mandela was born into the Madiba clan in the village of Mvezo, in the Eastern Cape, on 18 July 1918. While attending ... from Opinions News

Corona Virus – global scare

While studying various reports on Coronavirus, I remembered an English movie in which a similar kind of virus is created and spread across the city creating fear among the public as it was life-threatening. Viruses are epidemics that are spread across a large region; for instance multiple continents, or even worldwide. The moment an epidemic ... from Opinions News

For now, river deltas gain land worldwide

For now, river deltas gain land worldwide Recent delta land gains unlikely to last throughout the 21st century More at This is a Research News item.

Researchers find collaborative flood modeling process effective

Researchers find collaborative flood modeling process effective Community involvement, high-resolution maps lead to improved risk management More at This is a Research News item.

Morocco : Second Review Under the Arrangement Under the Precautionary and Liquidity Line-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Morocco

Morocco : Second Review Under the Arrangement Under the Precautionary and Liquidity Line-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Morocco Published January 28, 2020 at 10:00AM

Twitter leading to new way of tracking and predicting virus outbreaks

Twitter leading to new way of tracking and predicting virus outbreaks Algorithm will give daily, localized updates about spread of flu More at This is a Research News item.

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia : 2019 Article IV Consultation and Requests for Three-Year Arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility and an Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility-Press Release and Staff Report

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia : 2019 Article IV Consultation and Requests for Three-Year Arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility and an Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility-Press Release and Staff Report Published January 28, 2020 at 10:00AM

Hooz Noor: A stark reminder that we continue to fail our children

The sexual assault and subsequent murder of children in Pakistan has become a pandemic of biblical proportions. It is actively haunting the society and posing a significant challenge for the government. People expect law enforcement agencies to address the situation, but are they themselves ready to take responsibility and actively enact long lasting social measures that will protect our children? Recently, yet another spine chilling and gruesome incident of rape and murder was reported in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s (K-P) Nowshera district. This time, the victim was eight-year-old Hooz Noor. The assailants were identified and captured by the locals after which a ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Was Imran Khan’s Davos trip a success or a failure?

Nestled in the snowy Alps of Switzerland lies a quaint town that plays host to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting. For fifty years, Davos has provided a platform for the world’s political leaders, economists, academics, journalists and corporations to come together to accomplish an impossible task: “improving the state of the world”. From the outside, Davos seems like yet another stomping ground for the global elite. Their onerous mission entails a discussion on the eternal conundrums of economic inequality, political instability and social development. Members of civil society mingle with the heads of powerful organisations to shape ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Modi’s War on Reason

The current issue of the Economist Magazine has pointed out that RSS and BJP led government of Narendra Modi was following an exclusive agenda. Economist argues that Narendra Modi, and his Bharatiya Janata Party are creating sectarian divisions that imperil the world’s biggest democracy. The BJP, which increased its parliamentary majority ... from Regional News

Another infectious disease stalking the earth

Chinese officials have warned that the coronavirus has already started to mutate, making the disease ubiquitous and possibly more lethal. With nearly 2,000 infected and 56 already dead in China, the country of origin of the disease, the virus has travelled to United States, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, Macau, Japan, and the ... from Regional News

Re-enacting anti-graft laws

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has, once again, expressed its serious concerns over various provisions of the National Accountability Ordinance (NAO), 1999. Hearing a suo motu case last week, a three-member bench of the Supreme Court, headed by CJP Justice Gulzar Ahmed, granted 90 days to the Federation to remove or amend the controversial and ... from Regional News

Past in Perspective

To be protected from violence by the nation-state is to be exposed to the violence wielded by the nation-state, so to rely on the nation-state for protection from violence is precisely to exchange one potential violence for another. –Judith Butler, Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable?   The ratification of Treaty of ... from Regional News

Benin : Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment

Benin : Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment Published January 27, 2020 at 10:00AM

Republic of Congo : Selected Issues

Republic of Congo : Selected Issues Published January 27, 2020 at 10:00AM

Republic of Congo : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Congo

Republic of Congo : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of Congo Published January 27, 2020 at 10:00AM

Study weighs deep-sea mining's impact on microbes

Study weighs deep-sea mining's impact on microbes Mining may endanger essential roles microbes play in deep-sea ecosystems More at This is a Research News item.

Republic of North Macedonia : Selected Issues

Republic of North Macedonia : Selected Issues Published January 27, 2020 at 10:00AM

Republic of North Macedonia : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of North Macedonia

Republic of North Macedonia : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Republic of North Macedonia Published January 27, 2020 at 10:00AM

Will Pakistan support Palestine or the ‘Deal of the Century’?

While difficult to predict how Pakistan would react, the scenario where it is deemed suitable by the makers of the notorious ‘Deal of the Century’ for Palestine to be approached for a stance supportive of the deal is not unlikely. The reason for the plausibility of this and for the speculation about Pakistan’s possible embracement of the deal not being entirely outlandish lies in contemporary Pakistani foreign policy itself. The ‘Deal of the Century’: haphazard and contemptible Reports suggest that the substantially already leaked ‘Deal of the Century’ prepared by partisan US-Israeli Zionists for Palestine will be announced within days. ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Expectations! Why premeditated resentments?

It is natural to cultivate expectations from others, so do the citizens. People have a natural propensity to pin their hopes for bliss and joy on fulfilled expectations. There is nothing wrong with this idea, as long as we have good reasons to believe that meeting an expectation will make us happy, and we take the necessary steps toward ... from Opinions News

Enough proselytisation

Despite having numerous unsettled questions about the working model for Pakistan, the entire nation unanimously accepts that the state was formed as a laboratory of Islam where the principles and teachings of Islam could be implemented in letter and spirit. However, with the passage of time, our people and rulers have unlearned the basic teaching ... from Opinions News

Middle East policy implications

The Trump administration has been playing with fire in the Middle East as the flawed Middle East policy has wreaked havoc in Syria, Libya, Iraq and bloodshed in Palestine ever since Trump announced Jerusalem as capital of Israel igniting fiery protests in Palestine and other Muslim countries. Given this flawed, impractical, erratic and arrogant ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“Where globalization means, as it so often does, that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker, we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.” –Nelson Mandela   In the Western hemisphere, right wing populist leaders have ... from Opinions News

Crisis of governance

There is a crisis of governance in Pakistan. And PTI should not shy away from accepting their responsibility in creating, and then perpetuating, this crisis. Who is really responsible for the emergence of this crisis? Is it a result of people who occupy positions of power within the government? Or is it more a function of the ‘system’ ... from Opinions News

Controversial accountability process

In Pakistan, the process of accountability has always been cryptic. Both in political or military governments, the accountability as a weapon has been dexterously used against political opponents. In so doing, parliament in consonance with other state organs works so as to settle scores with the political opponents. Cast your cursory looks into ... from Opinions News

Fake News: A conundrum that demands serious discourse in Pakistan

Much of the discourse on ‘fake news’ conflates three notions. Mis-information which is unintended, or an accidental mistake in narration. Dis-information is fabricated or intentionally modified content to maliciously harm a person. Mal-information is based on reality but is used to inflict harm on a person or to blackmail. I recently ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.” –Edgar Degas   The creator standing proudly in front of one of his works that took him 22 years to finish.   Edwin Parker Twombly was born in Lexington, Virginia, on April 25, 1928. Commonly known as Cy Twombly, the man was a painter, ... from Opinions News

Gambia Emerged Taller among the Muslim countries

I can hear even now the deeply touched voices of thousands of mothers whose sons have been snatched and taken away from them. The mothers do not even know if they would ever be able to see their beloved sons again or not. Many of them are only crying over the mass graves of their sons as they are aware of the fact that they are not going to see ... from Opinions News

Hindutva; “The Graveyard of Democracy”

Hindutva bared its fangs in its first mass display of power during the Babri Masjid’s demolition in 1992 but ever since Narendra Modi came to power in 2014, the Hindutva brigade has been given a shot in the arm. Many high-ranking officials in the Indian state machinery, starting from the prime minister, are Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ... from Opinions News

Controversial Accountability Process

In Pakistan, the process of accountability has always been cryptic. Both in political or military governments, the accountability as a weapon has been dexterously used against political opponents. In so doing, parliament in consonance with other state organs works so as to settle scores with the political opponents. Cast your cursory looks into ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of a vicious, imperialist-orchestrated campaign. We, too, want to control our own destiny.” –Nelson Mandela Fidel Castro was Mandela’s best friend in Latin America   In 1991, Nelson Mandela traveled to Cuba to ... from Opinions News

Pakistan’s Acadia

Acadia means a ‘perfect world’ and ‘a land of plenty’. The land has everything for all living beings, flora and fauna. It is a perfect balance in every sense of the word. There is no darkness of sin, greed, selfish desires and violence. Given that we live in an imperfect world, the quest and journey to discovery continues. ... from Opinions News

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Housing Finance

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Housing Finance Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Deposit-taking Sector: Regulation and Supervision

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Deposit-taking Sector: Regulation and Supervision Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Systemic Risk Oversight and Macroprudential Policy

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Systemic Risk Oversight and Macroprudential Policy Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Oversight of Financial Market Infrastructures and Fintech Development

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Oversight of Financial Market Infrastructures and Fintech Development Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Bank Resolution and Crisis Management

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Bank Resolution and Crisis Management Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Stress Testing and Financial Stability Analysis

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Stress Testing and Financial Stability Analysis Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Insurance Sector: Regulation and Supervision

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Insurance Sector: Regulation and Supervision Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Systemic Liquidity

Canada : Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Systemic Liquidity Published January 24, 2020 at 10:00AM

China coronavirus: Is Pakistan at risk?

As the coronavirus forces the authorities in China to place 12 cities under lock-down, including the reported epicentre of the virus – Wuhan, just how wide-ranging the ramifications of this virus can be are slowly coming to light. While China attempts to grapple with this worsening health epidemic, it is quickly becoming evident that this is not simply a problem which will remain confined within the borders of China. Thus far, more than 800 cases of the coronavirus have surfaced in China and 26 individuals have already lost their lives due to it. But fears of the virus spreading have only been ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Knowing the perpetrators

With the increased ratio of rape attempts in Pakistan, what we have failed to realize is the existence of the perpetrators and how they are formed in a society. We usually talk about how cruel they might be and how they should be punished, but we never ask how inspite of increasing number of rapes every year, the number is still increasing? As ... from Opinions News

Capabilities, Not Intentions

Pakistan has often been accused of acting like an irresponsible state, using its nuclear deterrence to act as a bully in a bid to change the status quo. At times the accusation was justified; however, more often than not, the accusation was not rooted in ground realities. Rather, Pakistan’s so-called paranoia with regards to India– ... from Opinions News

Shared responsibility

Foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi talking to Fox News during his recent visit to USA while answering a question about Afghanistan was right on money to observe “the convergence between Pakistan and US stands as a unique opportunity for peace in Afghanistan, ultimately a shared responsibility” When President Trump announced his ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“My greatest sin is that I nationalised Iran’s oil industry and discarded the system of political and economic exploitation by the world’s greatest empire.” –Mohammad Mosaddegh   Persian soldiers chase rioters during civil unrest in Tehran, August 1953.   Operation Ajax (1953) (officially TP-AJAX) was a ... from Opinions News

Republic of Uzbekistan : Technical Assistance Report-Monetary and Financial Statistics Mission (July 17-August 2, 2019)

Republic of Uzbekistan : Technical Assistance Report-Monetary and Financial Statistics Mission (July 17-August 2, 2019) Published January 23, 2020 at 10:00AM

Researchers create nanoscale sensors to better see how high pressure affects materials

Researchers create nanoscale sensors to better see how high pressure affects materials Understanding pressure effects could lead to variety of material applications More at This is a Research News item.

Surprising beauty found in bacterial cultures

Surprising beauty found in bacterial cultures Understanding intricate flower-like patterns in bacteria could lead to medical, environmental applications More at This is a Research News item.

New research provides evidence of strong early magnetic field around Earth

New research provides evidence of strong early magnetic field around Earth Results will help scientists draw conclusions about the sustainability of Earth's magnetic shield More at This is a Research News item.

Climate shaped early forests of New England

Climate shaped early forests of New England Historical insight alters rationale for modern land management More at This is a Research News item.

Shocked meteorites provide clues to Earth's lower mantle

Shocked meteorites provide clues to Earth's lower mantle The meteorites offer insights into an unreachable layer of the planet More at This is a Research News item.

A relationship between severe winter weather and Arctic warmth?

A relationship between severe winter weather and Arctic warmth? Scientists review two schools of thought on winter weather More at This is a Research News item.

How Pakistan’s fashion industry is polluting the environment

Modern day fashion retailers have adopted the phenomenon of ‘fast fashion,’ which is characterised by the quick turnover of designs that move at breakneck speed from the ramp to the stores and eventually, into the garbage bin. Retailers aim to increase profits by focusing on key elements of the supply chain with an emphasis on increased manufacturing speed at lower costs. The concept of fast fashion has resulted in a changing industry dynamic that boasts a quick response ideology that has inculcated the capacity and ability of retail brands to generate quick merchandise turnover. A popular Spanish retailer that has ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Past in Perspective

The person known to the world as emperor of Ghazals, Mehdi Hassan, was born on July 18, 1927 in Luna village of Rajasthan of the undivided India. Mehdi Hassan never had a formal education. However, in the field of music, he got his training from his father Ustad Azeem Khan and uncle Ustad Ismail Khan. He made his first appearance on radio Pakistan ... from Opinions News

Making a fairer world?

The World Economic Forum is today concluding its weeklong annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. This year, WEF has been celebrating its 50th anniversary. Professor Klaus Schwab, was only thirty three when he took the bold initiative of founding WEF, after he had authored his book about stakeholder responsibility, disagreeing with Milton Friedman ... from Opinions News

Ready to plunge yet again?

Principal Under Secretary of State Alice G Wells is around after visiting Sri Lanka and India. She is likely to call on and meet anyone she desires in Pakistan, irrespective of official status. Besides Foreign Minister (if he is around), Prime Minister and COAS are likely to oblige; thanks to our unfettered hospitality. She has met with Interior ... from Opinions News

It is about sharing and caring

Common purpose, destiny, legacy, good have all become uncommon in the 21st century, Greed dominates, sharing and caring has diminished it is not just a unipolar world it has became uniperson. Everyone is for himself, civil society is in serious decline. Even environment has not been spared. While forests have been denuded, no one seems interested ... from Opinions News

China’s Communist Government Has a Strong Hold on Chinese Corporations is the largest e-commerce company in China. In Communist China, it’s not enough for large companies like to be profitable — they must serve the goals of the Communist Party and benefit the country as a whole. For The New Yorker , Jiayang Fan details the clever ways that the company uses rural villages’ existing social networks to recruit new customers and employees, which has allowed it to improve Chinese life and possibly help slow the exodus to cities by giving villagers an incentive to remain in the countryside. For the country’s leading tycoons, keeping in the government’s good graces is a well-established habit. During our conversation, Liu repeatedly spoke of company strategy in terms of deeper ambitions for the country as a whole, framing economic advancement as a civic virtue. A thirty-year economic miracle was not enough in itself, he said; one also had to “lead society in the right direction and bring in positive energy.” “Positive energy” is a phrase much us

Menace Too Society

Soraya Roberts | Longreads | January 2020 |  10 minutes (2,378 words) It’s taken two years for #MeToo to wake up France, but at least it did. The country appears to finally see the men it has created, which is more than can be said of North America, trapped in the cancel culture stage, calling out everyone except itself. That lack of self-awareness is easy to miss, though. There’s a lot of wokeness floating around these parts — we even have a “woke” princess, although Meghan Markle’s self-appointed royal defection alone could never really loosen the monarchy’s grip on Britain. And for all the hand-wringing by Hollywood stars over diversity, there is once again an established structure above them that resists the change they represent, one that inevitably rears its head in heavily white male awards seasons. France appears to know this now, but only because it was told so by a woman it nearly destroyed. “I’m really angry, but the issue isn’t so much me, how I survive this or not,” Fre

Republic of Estonia : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Republic of Estonia

Republic of Estonia : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Republic of Estonia Published January 22, 2020 at 10:00AM

Republic of Estonia : Selected Issues

Republic of Estonia : Selected Issues Published January 21, 2020 at 10:00AM

How long will Pakistan continue to ignore forced conversions?

The news of young non-Muslim girls being made to convert to Islam seems to have become a daily occurrence in Pakistan. Just last week, a young Hindu girl was kidnapped in Jacobabad and her family stated that this was done in an attempt to convert her to Islam. Yet, quite often these cases simply slip between the cracks and into the abyss which houses the various human rights abuses that plague Pakistan. One incident which grabbed the media headlines last year was that of two sisters from Ghotki, who were reportedly abducted and forced to convert to Islam. However, later ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Past in Perspective

Sarmad Kashani was born to an Armenian Jewish family in Kashan, Persia. His date of birth is estimated to be around 1590. In 1631, he migrated to Thatta, Sindh where he is reported to have fallen in love with a Hindu boy, Abhai Chand. By this time, he was known for his mystical powers and would also roam around the streets naked. When Sarmad ... from Opinions News

Why is there still a question mark on this government’s performance?

Prior to General Elections 2018, the then federal and provincial governments were busy painting the good picture. In pursuit of portraying the much touted ‘stabilized economy’ through doctored image of fiscal policies in the center and so-called delivery mode in Punjab, former rulers have been hiding all the dirt under the carpet. The ... from Opinions News

India’s myth on taxation

India’s 2020-21 Budget is round the corner and a struggling Indian economy means that there are some tough days ahead for the Indian taxpayer. Why? Because it has become an unsaid norm in South Asia that every time a South Asian economy struggles, just blame the taxpayer. Somehow, it is always the lack of adequate funds and resources placed ... from Opinions News

Industrial upgrading and SEZs along CPEC

CPEC has been termed as ‘Game Changer’ by incumbent and previous governments. It has been claimed that numerous special economic zones (SEZs) proposed along the CPEC route will have a positive effect on the economy of the country. A vital role of SEZs (read export-oriented zones, where foreign firms are given special concessions and ... from Opinions News

Why is the world embracing right wing politics?

In 2019, Modi’s re-election in India alongside Bolsonaro in Brazil added to the growing list of right-wing populist leaders around the world. With Trump serving as the president of the United States, Israel’s Netanyahu becoming the country’s longest-serving prime minister and a resurgent European far-right, the rise of populist strongmen as leaders in several countries has become a subject of intense scrutiny especially focused on why these changes are taking place. In order to understand the issue at hand, I shall look at studies from the 90s to the 2000s, which will also be complemented by current research and then applied to political ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Sustainable development goals have to take centre stage for Pakistan at Davos

As world leaders prepare to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, it seems that the issue of building a sustainable future will take centre stage at the summit. This year’s theme for the WEF is “Stakeholders for a cohesive and sustainable world”, hence emphasising the urgency with which leaders across the globe need to address one of the most pressing issues the planet is currently facing. After the bush fires in Australia, volcanic eruptions in the Philippines, floods in Jakarta, mass burning of the Amazon rain-forest, famine in Zambia, water scarcity in Mexico and dangerous weather patterns in North America; leaders ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

UN’s growing ineffectiveness and Pakistan

General Qassem Soleimani’s assassination by the US under the direct authorization of President Trump was the latest reminder of the growing international anarchy and ineffectiveness of the UN in the consideration of major issues of international peace and security. UN Security Council, which carries the primary responsibility for the ... from Opinions News

A Judge may laugh; a cynic may not

The decision to discard the system of District Administration during the tenure of Pervaiz Mushraf was both abrupt and unsavory. It came as a rude shock to the capability of the government to handle law and order situation in the country. All this was done without really any in-depth analysis of different strands of administrative policy that ... from Opinions News

America can’t help fighting wars

Following the assassination of Iran’s top General Qasim Sulemani by US, revered as a national hero, by Irani nation and subsequent vow by Iranian supreme leader Ayatullah to avenge the assassinated General, America once again seems on the brink of full-scale war with Iran. The question that always haunts the intelligentsia and the hoi polloi ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.” –Ernesto Che Guevara   Cuban leaders marching ahead of the funeral procession for the victims of the La Coubre explosion, for which the US was blamed.   Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, known as Che Guevara, was born on 14 June 1928 in ... from Opinions News

How locusts and water scarcity are destroying Sindh’s crops

In the village of Lass, located in Tharparkar, Muhammad Essa Lund and his family reach their agricultural land at dawn. They bring their kitchenware along with them, which they use to drive locusts out of their fields. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident and represents the tragic tale of almost everyone who owns a piece of agricultural land in this region. Due to the locust invasion, the only primary school in the area has been closed down, labourers have been unable to travel to nearby cities for work, patients have had to postpone their visits to the local dispensaries, and shepherds have been unable to ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Past in Perspective

191 years ago, great Russian master of letters and words Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828 in Tula Province, Russia. Born to a long line of Russian nobility, he was the fourth child of Countess Maria Volkonsky and Count Nicolay Ilyich Tolstoy (1797-1837) a Lieutenant Colonel. In 1844, at the age of sixteen and the end of what Tolstoy says ... from Opinions News

Nation needs heroes not beggars

I received a call in a decent voice pressing upon me to watch an ongoing program on a channel that is against humanity. l switched to the said channel and watched the episode where a father namely Inaam from Phoolnagar near Lahore was shown to have been arrested for selling his 12-year-old daughter Amna for Rs6000 only and his wife for Rs500. I ... from Opinions News

O world leaders! Restrain Modi

History is documented not only for academic labour. History is there to learn from it and not to commit the same errors over and over again. But unfortunately, we humans are prone to the repetition of mistakes. In the early twentieth century (1920s 1930s) a fanatic type of leader and an extreme naationalist party were taking roots in ... from Opinions News

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Thirty-two years ago this month, I was arrested sitting-in and blocking the entrance of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC. The Embassy was hosting an event that evening in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Looking back at what we did that day, I’m confident that it was the right way to remember Dr. King’s legacy. There were a number ... from Opinions News

Past in Perspective

Newspapers began circulating in the 17th century. The first real newspaper in England was printed in 1665. The first successful daily newspaper in Britain was printed in 1702. The first American newspaper was printed in 1690. It was called Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick. The first newspaper in Canada was the Halifax Gazette in ... from Opinions News

Historical aspect of Pashtun nationalism

The current sharpness in the ethno-nationalist trend in the Pashtun tribal belt of Pakistan is not new. The affiliation with the ideals of Pashtun nationalism was there since decades; but there has been vicissitudes in the intensity of attachment with the cause. The state’s policy of absorbing more and more Pashtuns into its fold – ... from Opinions News

Clouds of war

Once again, Iran is in the eye of the storm. The raging clouds of war seem to have engulfed the Middle East. With every passing day, the uncertainty and confusion are gaining momentum, and the world is waiting with a bated breath to see where this tension in the US-Iran relations is heading towards. It is no secret that Iran has been under severe ... from Opinions News

CPEC and economic revival

Pakistan is a populous country –with a youth bulge, is in need of jobs. At present, our economy needs stimulus: some big economic projects which could provide jobs to the youth, consume local industries capacities and help improve local industries’ quality, productivity, and technology. China sponsored China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ... from Opinions News

Is being a lawyer in Pakistan contingent upon one’s faith?

As Muslims, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that we treat non-Muslims residing in Pakistan fairly and with dignity and respect. It is therefore imperative that we safeguard the rights granted and guaranteed to them by both Islam and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Unfortunately, we have collectively continued to do the very opposite of this, thereby actively violating not only the injunctions of Islam, but also the vision of our founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. However, before divulging on the disservice we are doing to Jinnah’s legacy, we must reflect upon the important role our ... Read Full Post from Welcome to Pakistan – The Express Tribune Blog

Senegal : Request for a Three-Year Policy Coordination Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Senegal

Senegal : Request for a Three-Year Policy Coordination Instrument-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Senegal Published January 17, 2020 at 10:00AM

Rwanda : First Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument and Monetary Policy Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

Rwanda : First Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument and Monetary Policy Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report Published January 17, 2020 at 10:00AM

Scientists unlock mysteries of grasshoppers' response to gravity

Scientists unlock mysteries of grasshoppers' response to gravity Research uncovers aspects of insect physiology More at This is a Research News item.

Republic of South Sudan : Technical Assistance Report-Report on External Sector Statistics Mission

Republic of South Sudan : Technical Assistance Report-Report on External Sector Statistics Mission Published January 17, 2020 at 10:00AM

Past in Perspective

One of the most horrific massacres that surfaced during the American of Vietnam was the My Lai massacre. On March 16, 1968, a company of American soldiers killed more than 500 people, all unarmed civilians. Before the soldiers killed the unarmed civilians, they raped young girls and women. As if killing the unarmed was not enough to satiate the ... from Opinions News

Soldier’s boots

Display of a Soldier’s Boot in a television show was contempt and sacrilegious. It caused angst and dismay to every soldier who wears or hung his boots after fading away. Most, it was an insult to thousands of soldiers who sacrificed their blood and lives for the country with their boots on and families that endure the hardships of parting ... from Opinions News

Weak democracy weak state

‘No government is the best government’ these were the words of President Ronald Reagan. As a student in the eighties such statements were music to the ears. For the first time after the Second World War, two elected leaders of the free word (Reagan, Thatcher) conspired to weaken the state. Most regulatory frameworks were done away ... from Opinions News

Falling standards of C.S.S.

Indian Civil service is the Prime Institution from which the idea of Central Superior Services has been derived and adopted to bequeath the country an intelligent, devoted, dedicated, sincere, patriotic chain of civil servants, having unprecedented characteristics to deliver to the nation. In the early days of the Federal Public Service Commission ... from Opinions News

Scientists find oldest-known fossilized digestive tract — 550 million years

Scientists find oldest-known fossilized digestive tract — 550 million years Fossil in the Nevada desert key to understanding the early history of animals More at This is a Research News item.

Researchers uncover strong link between sadness and smoking

Researchers uncover strong link between sadness and smoking Sadness, more than other emotions, heightens craving to smoke and likelihood of relapse More at This is a Research News item.

Toward a smarter way of recharging an aquifer

Toward a smarter way of recharging an aquifer Researchers find cause of high arsenic concentrations in recharged aquifers More at This is a Research News item.

Who really wants the US-Iran war?

The tussle between Iran and the United States of America nearly reached a boiling point after the aerial assassination of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad on January 3rd. Immediately, the Gulf states pleaded for urgent de-escalation, knowing full well that a conflict could be disastrous for all the countries close proximity to Iran. Even the Saudis made it abundantly clear that they played no part in the deadly drone strike which claimed 10 lives. The USA duly obliged and President Donald Trump’s speech, after Iran’s limited missile attack on US bases in Iraq, was marked by restraint. The Gulf ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

In conversation with Noam Chomsky – Part 3: Pakistan, India, religion, and climate change

This conversation with Professor Noam Chomsky is presented as a three part series. Part 1 covers American culture and politics. Part 2 covers media, intellectuals and imperialism, along with science, language and human nature. Part 3 includes a conversation regarding religion and spirituality, alongside a discussion about the Indian subcontinent, climate change and the migration crisis. ~ Religion and spirituality Hassan Mirza (HM): Did religion have any big influence on you when you were growing up? Were your family members religious? Noam Chomsky (NC): Judaism did, religion didn’t. My parents were not religious in the usual sense. Deeply rooted in Jewish/Hebraic culture, somewhat observant. HM: What do ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

Mali: First Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, Request for a Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion and Modification of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mali; IMF Country Report No. 20/8; December 23, 2019

Mali: First Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, Request for a Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion and Modification of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mali; IMF Country Report No. 20/8; December 23, 2019 Published January 17, 2020 at 02:19AM

Past in Perspective

The Warsaw Pact was an alliance formed by the Soviet Union and its Eastern bloc allies.   In response to formation of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) that the United States of America is leading to this day, the Soviet Union made a security arrangement with lbania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and ... from Opinions News

Skilled youth prosperous Pakistan

An incisive appraisal of the developed countries reveals that their phenomenal economic growth was propelled by entrepreneurship, which is rightly regarded as a key to economic prosperity. Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to start a new business venture and the hallmark of entrepreneurial spirit is innovation and risk taking. ... from Opinions News

Expulsion of US from the Persian Gulf?

The killing of General Qassem Soleimani and subsequent Iranian careful response to the US strikes has potentially pulled out both countries from the brink of war. However, it seems clear that Iran has started a robust campaign to oust the US military from the Persian Gulf region. The Iranian Supreme leader Ali Khamenei said that the ... from Opinions News

False flags and Indian LEAs

DSP Davinder Singh’s arrest and startling disclosures have once again raised questions on Indian Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and false flag operation against their own people. India Today report of 13 Jan suggests that the nexus between a decorated J&K Police officer and the terrorists is likely to ruffle many a feather as the past ... from Opinions News

Finland : Selected Issues

Finland : Selected Issues Published January 15, 2020 at 10:00AM

Finland : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report

Finland : 2019 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report Published January 15, 2020 at 10:00AM

The Saudi-Iran conflict and the challenges it poses for Pakistan

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, recently visited both Iran and Saudi Arabia at a time when the region is on the precipice of imploding. The timing of the visits was no fortune coincidence. In fact, it showed Islamabad’s intent to maintain peace in the region, further exemplified by its attempts to mediate between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the past. Last year, Prime Minister Imran Khan visited the two countries in a bid to ease tensions after drone attacks targeted two Saudi oil facilities. The fact that Pakistan is actively trying to preserve regional stability suggests that there are ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog

In conversation with Noam Chomsky – Part 2: Intellectuals, imperialism and human nature

This conversation with Professor Noam Chomsky will be presented in a three part series. Part 1 covers American culture and politics. Part 2 covers media, intellectuals and imperialism, along with science, language and human nature. Part 3 will include a conversation regarding religion and spirituality, alongside a discussion about the Indian subcontinent, climate change and the migration crisis. ~ Media, intellectuals and imperialism Hassan Mirza (HM): In a famous BBC interview of yours with presenter Andrew Marr, you told him that if he believed in something different and was more independent-minded he wouldn’t have been hired by the BBC. He called you a conspiracy ... Read Full Post from The Big Picture – The Express Tribune Blog